Class GeneralScriptFunction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GeneralScriptFunction
    extends Function
    This class encapsulates the configuration parameters of functions (aka Keywords) of type "Script"
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneralScriptFunction

        public GeneralScriptFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • setScriptFile

        public void setScriptFile​(DynamicValue<String> scriptFile)
        scriptFile - the path to the script file (.js, .groovy, .jar, depending on the script language)
      • setScriptLanguage

        public void setScriptLanguage​(DynamicValue<String> scriptLanguage)
        scriptLanguage - the script language of this function. Per default the following language are supported: javascript, groovy, java
      • setLibrariesFile

        public void setLibrariesFile​(DynamicValue<String> librariesFile)
        librariesFile - the path to the libraries to be used for the function. This can be a single jar or a folder containing a list of jars
      • setErrorHandlerFile

        public void setErrorHandlerFile​(DynamicValue<String> errorHandlerFile)
        errorHandlerFile - the path to the script to be executed when the function returns an error