Class PlanRunners

  • public class PlanRunners
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • credentials

        protected final step.client.credentials.ControllerCredentials credentials
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlanRunners

        public PlanRunners​(step.client.credentials.ControllerCredentials credentials)
    • Method Detail

      • getRemotePlanRunner

        public step.client.planrunners.RemotePlanRunner getRemotePlanRunner()
        a runner that runs plans fully remotely on the controller
      • getHybridPlanRunner

        public step.client.planrunners.HybridPlanRunner getHybridPlanRunner()
        a runner that runs plans locally but functions (keywords) remotely on the controller
      • getLocalPlanRunner

        public step.localrunner.LocalPlanRunner getLocalPlanRunner​(Map<String,​String> properties,
                                                                   List<Class<?>> functionClasses)
        properties - a map containing the properties that are usually set under Parameters in the UI
        functionClasses - the list of Classes containing the functions (aka Keywords)
        a runner that runs plans fully locally (including keywords)