Interface FunctionPackageClient

    • Method Detail

      • newKeywordPackage

        FunctionPackage newKeywordPackage​(File packageLibraryFile,
                                          File packageFile,
                                          Map<String,​String> packageAttributes)
                                   throws IOException
        Creates a new Keyword package
        packageLibraryFile - a Zip
        packageFile - the Jar/DLL file containing the Keyword definitions. The file will be uploaded to the Controller
        packageAttributes - the attributes of the Keyword (ex: version, app, etc)
        the newly created FunctionPackage
        IOException - in case of any error
      • updateKeywordPackageById

        FunctionPackage updateKeywordPackageById​(FunctionPackage previousPackage,
                                                 File packageLibraryFile,
                                                 File packageFile,
                                                 Map<String,​String> packageAttributes)
                                          throws IOException
        Update an existing Keyword package identified by its ObjectId
        previousPackage - the older version of the FunctionPackage obtained at creation time (i.e returned by newKeywordPackage)
        packageLibraryFile - a Zip
        packageFile - the Jar/DLL file containing the Keyword definitions. The file will be uploaded to the Controller
        packageAttributes - (optional) the attributes the keyword package can be identified with, by default the resource name will be used
        the updated FunctionPackage
        IOException - in case of any error
      • deleteKeywordPackage

        void deleteKeywordPackage​(String packlageId)
        Delete an existing Keyword package
        packlageId - the ID of the package
      • updateResourceBasedKeywordPackage

        FunctionPackage updateResourceBasedKeywordPackage​(File packageLibraryFile,
                                                          File packageFile,
                                                          Map<String,​String> packageAttributes)
                                                   throws IOException
        Update an existing Keyword package with a new version of the resource(s), the package is implicitly managed via resource name Warning: if multiple resources are created with the same name, or if multiple keyword packages reference the same resource, only the first match will be updated.
        packageLibraryFile - a Zip
        packageFile - the Jar/DLL file containing the Keyword definitions. The file will be uploaded to the Controller
        packageAttributes - (optional) the attributes the keyword package can be identified with, by default the resource name will be used
        the updated FunctionPackage
        IOException - in case of any error
      • lookupPackageByResourceName

        FunctionPackage lookupPackageByResourceName​(String resourceName)
                                             throws IOException
        Retrieve a FunctionPackage object based on the resourceName associated with it. Warning: if multiple resources are created with the same name, or if multiple keyword packages reference the same resource, only the first match will be updated.
        resourceName - the name of the Resource that the searched FunctionPackage relies on
        the corresponding FunctionPackage, if any match occurred
        IOException - in case of any error