
Class PlainTextPlan

  • public class PlainTextPlan
    extends step.core.plans.Plan
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected String source  
      • Fields inherited from class step.core.plans.Plan

        functions, root, subPlans, visible
      • Fields inherited from class step.core.accessors.AbstractOrganizableObject

        attributes, NAME, VERSION
      • Fields inherited from class step.core.accessors.AbstractIdentifiableObject

        _id, customFields
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getSource()  
      void setSource​(String source)  
      • Methods inherited from class step.core.plans.Plan

        getFunctions, getRoot, getSubPlans, isVisible, setFunctions, setRoot, setSubPlans, setVisible
      • Methods inherited from class step.core.accessors.AbstractOrganizableObject

        addAttribute, getAttributes, setAttributes
      • Methods inherited from class step.core.accessors.AbstractIdentifiableObject

        addCustomField, computeCustomFieldIfAbsent, equals, getCustomField, getCustomField, getCustomFields, getId, hashCode, setCustomFields, setId
    • Field Detail

      • source

        protected String source
    • Constructor Detail

      • PlainTextPlan

        public PlainTextPlan()
    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        public String getSource()
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(String source)