Class Function

    • Field Detail

      • schema

        protected javax.json.JsonObject schema
      • executeLocally

        protected boolean executeLocally
      • tokenSelectionCriteria

        protected Map<String,​String> tokenSelectionCriteria
      • managed

        protected boolean managed
      • useCustomTemplate

        protected boolean useCustomTemplate
      • htmlTemplate

        protected String htmlTemplate
      • description

        protected String description
    • Constructor Detail

      • Function

        public Function()
    • Method Detail

      • getTokenSelectionCriteria

        public Map<String,​String> getTokenSelectionCriteria()
      • setTokenSelectionCriteria

        public void setTokenSelectionCriteria​(Map<String,​String> tokenSelectionCriteria)
        Defines additional selection criteria of agent token on which the function should be executed
        tokenSelectionCriteria - a map containing the additional selection criteria as key-value pairs
      • isExecuteLocally

        public boolean isExecuteLocally()
        if the function has to be executed on a local token
      • setExecuteLocally

        public void setExecuteLocally​(boolean executeLocally)
        Defines if the function has to be executed on a local token
        executeLocally -
      • setCallTimeout

        public void setCallTimeout​(DynamicValue<Integer> callTimeout)
        callTimeout - the call timeout of the function in ms
      • getSchema

        public javax.json.JsonObject getSchema()
      • setSchema

        public void setSchema​(javax.json.JsonObject schema)
        Sets the JSON schema to be used to validate the function's input at execution time
        schema - the JSON schema of the function. See for more details concerning JSON schema.
      • requiresLocalExecution

        public boolean requiresLocalExecution()
      • isManaged

        public boolean isManaged()
      • setManaged

        public void setManaged​(boolean managed)
      • isUseCustomTemplate

        public boolean isUseCustomTemplate()
      • setUseCustomTemplate

        public void setUseCustomTemplate​(boolean customTemplate)
      • getHtmlTemplate

        public String getHtmlTemplate()
      • setHtmlTemplate

        public void setHtmlTemplate​(String customTemplateContent)
        Sets the HTML code to be used as template when editing the function in the plan editor
        schema - the JSON schema of the function. See for more details concerning JSON schema.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)