Interface ICoverableReq

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ICoverableReq
    extends com4j.Com4jObject
    Represents a requirement that is covered by another entity.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addSubjectToCoverage​(int subjectID, String testFilter)
      Adds the tests from the specified subject that match the input filter to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
      void addTestInstanceToCoverage​(int testInstanceID)
      Adds the test instance to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.
      void addTestsFromTestSetToCoverage​(int testSetID, String testInstanceFilter)
      Adds the test instances from the specified test set that match the input filter to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.
      void addTestToCoverage​(int testId)
      Adds the test to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
      com4j.Com4jObject requirementCoverageFactory()
      Get Requirement Coverage Factory
      • Methods inherited from interface com4j.Com4jObject

        advise, dispose, equals, getComThread, getIUnknownPointer, getPointer, getPtr, hashCode, is, queryInterface, setName, toString
    • Method Detail

      • requirementCoverageFactory

        com4j.Com4jObject requirementCoverageFactory()

        Get Requirement Coverage Factory

        Getter method for the COM property "RequirementCoverageFactory"

        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • addTestInstanceToCoverage

        void addTestInstanceToCoverage​(int testInstanceID)

        Adds the test instance to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.

        testInstanceID - Mandatory int parameter.
      • addTestToCoverage

        void addTestToCoverage​(int testId)

        Adds the test to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.

        testId - Mandatory int parameter.
      • addTestsFromTestSetToCoverage

        void addTestsFromTestSetToCoverage​(int testSetID,
                                           String testInstanceFilter)

        Adds the test instances from the specified test set that match the input filter to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.

        testSetID - Mandatory int parameter.
        testInstanceFilter - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
      • addSubjectToCoverage

        void addSubjectToCoverage​(int subjectID,
                                  String testFilter)

        Adds the tests from the specified subject that match the input filter to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.

        subjectID - Mandatory int parameter.
        testFilter - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.