Interface ICustomizationFields

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ICustomizationFields
    extends com4j.Com4jObject
    Services for managing the collection of all CustomizationField objects in the project.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com4j.Com4jObject addActiveField​(String tableName)
      Finds the first free, inactive field in the specified table, signs the field as active, and returns the CustomizationFields object representing the field.
      com4j.Com4jObject addActiveMemoField​(String tableName)
      Creates a new memo field in a table.
      com4j.Com4jObject field​(String tableName, String fieldName)
      The customization field object for the specified database table and field.
      boolean fieldExists​(String tableName, String fieldName)
      Checks if the specified database field exists.
      IList fields​(String tableName)
      A list of all fields in the specified table.
      • Methods inherited from interface com4j.Com4jObject

        advise, dispose, equals, getComThread, getIUnknownPointer, getPointer, getPtr, hashCode, is, queryInterface, setName, toString
    • Method Detail

      • field

        com4j.Com4jObject field​(String tableName,
                                String fieldName)

        The customization field object for the specified database table and field.

        Getter method for the COM property "Field"

        tableName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        fieldName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • fields

        IList fields​(@DefaultValue("")
                     String tableName)

        A list of all fields in the specified table.

        Getter method for the COM property "Fields"

        tableName - Optional parameter. Default value is ""
        Returns a value of type otaclient.IList
      • addActiveField

        com4j.Com4jObject addActiveField​(String tableName)

        Finds the first free, inactive field in the specified table, signs the field as active, and returns the CustomizationFields object representing the field.

        tableName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • fieldExists

        boolean fieldExists​(String tableName,
                            String fieldName)

        Checks if the specified database field exists.

        Getter method for the COM property "FieldExists"

        tableName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        fieldName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        Returns a value of type boolean
      • addActiveMemoField

        com4j.Com4jObject addActiveMemoField​(String tableName)

        Creates a new memo field in a table.

        tableName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject