Interface ICustomizationModules2

    • Method Detail

      • isVisibleForGroup

        boolean isVisibleForGroup​(int moduleID,
                                  Object group)

        Indicates if the specified module is visible in the UI to the specified user group.

        Getter method for the COM property "IsVisibleForGroup"

        moduleID - Mandatory int parameter.
        group - Mandatory java.lang.Object parameter.
        Returns a value of type boolean
      • isVisibleForGroup

        void isVisibleForGroup​(int moduleID,
                               Object group,
                               boolean pVal)

        Indicates if the specified module is visible in the UI to the specified user group.

        Setter method for the COM property "IsVisibleForGroup"

        moduleID - Mandatory int parameter.
        group - Mandatory java.lang.Object parameter.
        pVal - Mandatory boolean parameter.
      • visibleForGroups

        IList visibleForGroups​(int moduleID)

        The list of the user groups to which the specified module is visible in the UI.

        Getter method for the COM property "VisibleForGroups"

        moduleID - Mandatory int parameter.
        Returns a value of type otaclient.IList