Interface IRecordset

  • All Superinterfaces:
    com4j.Com4jObject, IColumnInfo

    public interface IRecordset
    extends IColumnInfo
    Represents the entire set of records resulting from an executed command. At any given time, the Recordset object refers to a single record within the record set as the current record.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean bor()
      Checks if the record cursor is on the first record.
      int cacheSize()
      The number of records in the recordset that are cached locally in memory.
      void cacheSize​(int pVal)
      The number of records in the recordset that are cached locally in memory.
      com4j.Com4jObject clone()
      Creates a duplicate of this Recordset object.
      boolean eor()
      Checks if the record cursor is after the last record.
      Object fieldValue​(Object fieldKey)
      The value for the specified field.
      void fieldValue​(Object fieldKey, Object pVal)
      The value for the specified field.
      void first()
      Moves to the first record and makes it the current record.
      void last()
      Moves to the last record and makes it the current record.
      void next()
      Moves to the next record and makes it the current record.
      int position()
      The current record position (0-based).
      void position​(int pVal)
      The current record position (0-based).
      void prev()
      Moves to the previous record and makes it the current record.
      int recordCount()
      The number of records in the Recordset.
      void refresh​(int range, int low, int high)
      Refreshes the Recordset, overwriting values in memory.
      • Methods inherited from interface com4j.Com4jObject

        advise, dispose, equals, getComThread, getIUnknownPointer, getPointer, getPtr, hashCode, is, queryInterface, setName, toString
    • Method Detail

      • fieldValue

        Object fieldValue​(Object fieldKey)

        The value for the specified field.

        Getter method for the COM property "FieldValue"

        fieldKey - Mandatory java.lang.Object parameter.
        Returns a value of type java.lang.Object
      • fieldValue

        void fieldValue​(Object fieldKey,
                        Object pVal)

        The value for the specified field.

        Setter method for the COM property "FieldValue"

        fieldKey - Mandatory java.lang.Object parameter.
        pVal - Mandatory java.lang.Object parameter.
      • recordCount

        int recordCount()

        The number of records in the Recordset.

        Getter method for the COM property "RecordCount"

        Returns a value of type int
      • bor

        boolean bor()

        Checks if the record cursor is on the first record.

        Getter method for the COM property "BOR"

        Returns a value of type boolean
      • eor

        boolean eor()

        Checks if the record cursor is after the last record.

        Getter method for the COM property "EOR"

        Returns a value of type boolean
      • cacheSize

        int cacheSize()

        The number of records in the recordset that are cached locally in memory.

        Getter method for the COM property "CacheSize"

        Returns a value of type int
      • cacheSize

        void cacheSize​(int pVal)

        The number of records in the recordset that are cached locally in memory.

        Setter method for the COM property "CacheSize"

        pVal - Mandatory int parameter.
      • position

        int position()

        The current record position (0-based).

        Getter method for the COM property "Position"

        Returns a value of type int
      • position

        void position​(int pVal)

        The current record position (0-based).

        Setter method for the COM property "Position"

        pVal - Mandatory int parameter.
      • first

        void first()

        Moves to the first record and makes it the current record.

      • next

        void next()

        Moves to the next record and makes it the current record.

      • prev

        void prev()

        Moves to the previous record and makes it the current record.

      • last

        void last()

        Moves to the last record and makes it the current record.

      • clone

        com4j.Com4jObject clone()

        Creates a duplicate of this Recordset object.

        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • refresh

        void refresh​(@DefaultValue("0")
                     int range,
                     int low,
                     int high)

        Refreshes the Recordset, overwriting values in memory.

        range - Optional parameter. Default value is 0
        low - Optional parameter. Default value is 0
        high - Optional parameter. Default value is 0