Interface ILibraryFactory

    • Method Detail

      • addImportedItem

        com4j.Com4jObject addImportedItem​(java.lang.String domain,
                                          java.lang.String project,
                                          java.lang.String libraryName,
                                          int libraryID,
                                          java.lang.String baselineName,
                                          int baselineId,
                                          java.lang.Object itemData)

        Add a new Imported Library Item. This will create the item and pre-connect it to the 'Created From' Library. Note: A valid folder id must be passed in ItemData if this factory was retrieved from the connection.

        domain - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        project - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        libraryName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        libraryID - Mandatory int parameter.
        baselineName - Mandatory java.lang.String parameter.
        baselineId - Mandatory int parameter.
        itemData - Optional parameter. Default value is com4j.Variant.getMissing()
        Returns a value of type com4j.Com4jObject
      • libraryPartsEntitiesTables

        IList libraryPartsEntitiesTables()

        Returns the list of the entities' table names which can be a library part.

        Getter method for the COM property "LibraryPartsEntitiesTables"

        Returns a value of type step.repository.alm.v16.otaclient.IList
      • libraryPartsEntitiesTables

        java.lang.Object libraryPartsEntitiesTables​(int index)