Class Entity<A extends step.core.accessors.AbstractIdentifiableObject,​T extends step.core.accessors.Accessor<A>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Entity

        public Entity​(java.lang.String name,
                      T accessor,
                      java.lang.Class<A> entityClass)
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
      • getAccessor

        public T getAccessor()
      • getEntityClass

        public java.lang.Class<A> getEntityClass()
      • isByPassObjectPredicate

        public boolean isByPassObjectPredicate()
      • setByPassObjectPredicate

        public void setByPassObjectPredicate​(boolean byPassObjectPredicate)
      • resolveAtomicReference

        public java.lang.String resolveAtomicReference​(java.lang.Object atomicReference,
                                                       EntityDependencyTreeVisitor.EntityTreeVisitorContext visitorContext)
        This method is responsible for the resolution of atomic references to entity id
        atomicReference - the atomic reference to be resolved
        visitorContext - the context object
        the resolved entity id or null
      • updateAtomicReference

        public java.lang.Object updateAtomicReference​(java.lang.Object atomicReference,
                                                      java.lang.String newEntityId,
                                                      EntityDependencyTreeVisitor.EntityTreeVisitorContext visitorContext)
        This method is responsible for the update of atomic references with a new entity id
        atomicReference - the atomic reference to be updated
        newEntityId - the new entity if
        visitorContext - the context object
        the updated atomic reference